Monday, November 19, 2012

Upcoming products

I haven't had a phone for 3 or 4 months now and it has really gotten in the way of my blogging.
I use my phone/apps for a lot of the pictures I would like to post for product reviews.
I plan to get a new phone soon, but until then; here are some of the products I have been using for the past few months and plan to review:

  • Visalus Body by Vi products and 90 day challenge
  • Turbo Fire work out DVD's
  • The Firm Express workout DVD's
  • Various ballet DVD's 
  • Total Curve
That's all I can think of right now, but I know there's a lot I'm forgetting. I will be updating this list periodically.

Some of these I can do without my phone and will be working on those this week, but I wanted to put some sort of indication of what's to come for this page :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bare Minerals: 9-piece get started kit

Ok! So I got my kit yesterday, but I didn't try it until today. I got mine from eBay for $48.

 Well, I really love it!! My face looks a lot better but it doesn't look like I'm wearing any makeup. I'll need some concealer for major blemishes, but in general; it's a great product.  

The 9 piece kit comes with: 
  • 2 shades of original SPF 15 foundation in your color ( I got one tan, one medium tan)
  • warmth (bronzer)
  • tinted mineral veil
  • 3 brushes (full flawless face brush, flawless application face brush, light stroke brush)
  • brush conditioning shampoo
  • DVD
I don't really see the difference between the two brushes ( full flawless face brush + flawless application face brush). I guess the former is for full coverage (where you're buffing face everywhere or big areas) and the latter is more for general application.

At first, I didn't think it was doing anything. But when I was done and took some pictures in the light, I could definitely see a different.

I had a little trouble taking the plastic sifter tabs out; the first two i used my teeth (uncomfortably so), the third one I was able to do by hand and the fourth one I cut it a little so I could pull it out easily. 

The plastic sifters are definitely a plus. Anytime I use a loose powder it gets everywhere, so I generally avoid them. This plastic sifters take a lot of the messiness out of loose powder application. Powder still gets all over the place but just a little bit :) it's quite manageable unlike some powder's I've used.

The DVD is pretty useless, awkward and redundant unless you have some of their other products. The basic technique of swirl, tap and buff is pretty simple to understand and it doesn't take watching the DVD to get it down. If you're like me though, and don't know anything about makeup application, you should definitely watch the first part of the DVD.

I love that there are two shades of medium because my skin tone changes a lot throughout the year.
The warmth really gave me a great sun-kissed glow and looks really awesome, since it's summer right now and I never get to spend much time in the sun. It's definitely a believable "warmth" look. 
The mineral veil is cool, but I'm not sure it's needed. It definitely made me feel like I was completing my look with this final touch. 

The brushes were soft and collected the powder really well. The powder itself is very creamy, just as they claim. It looks like powder but when I feel my face, it feels more like a cream than a loose powder. 

I am really happy with this kit and the bareMinerals products (not to mention the cute black + pink box they came in). I will definitely recommend this product and purchase more bareMinerals products in the future :)

                    Before - no makeup & After - primer and bareMinerals                         
This picture really doesn't show any difference : - / I'll try to get a better one throughout the day and post it later! :)